This means more than half people recognize but this is not major.
In this question, 64.71% of people answered that both a mother and a father are needed to raise babies.
・Because I
think raising children by both of a mother and a father creates a good
relationship as family.
・Because declining birthrate has
been a problem.
・Mother and father have role each
・If a child's parents are same sex,
he or she will be confused.
On the other hand, 35.29% of people don't think so.
・Because there are many single
mothers and fathers.
・Because there are many children
raised happily with a single parent.
・It's more important for the children
to be loved by parents.
Lastly, we ask people that"Do you support same-sex marriage?"
We introduce some answers.
Agree. It's their freedom to get married
with who they want to.
・Yes I support their marriage
because it is a right of everyone to love someone you love. It's natural to
marry with him/her if they love each other even if they are same-sex.
・I support same sex marriage. I
have seen a child who has two mothers instead of father and she was really nice
After all, most people accept same-sex marriage!