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    I am a lesbian and I have a girlfriend who I really want to marry. Now we are live together in Yokohama. In Yokohama, marriage between the same sex is prohibited, because the law of this country don't admit same sex marriage, and there are no exception in here.  

    I often take part in parade for us, sexual minority, so I and my partner have a lot of friends who are also bothered by their sexuality. Not all, but many of them have partner like us, live together, and hope to marry. But we can't because of the rule of Japan. 

    However, in this May, Shibuya made regulation for sexual minority to be able to make partnership with their lovers. It is not marriage, but it is big progress for us. In this partnership regulation, we have to pay some money to make certification for it, and it is not enough compering to system for heterosexual marriage. But it is true that we really longer for such a rule. It was a big news between us, and a gay couple of my friend in Shibuya came true to become partner legally.

    But then, I and my partner live outside of Shibuya can't make partnership. Why is there a big gap between us, even we are all Japanese? It is not easy for us to move to Shibuya immediately and if we move there, maybe we lose something that we are receiving in here as a member of Yokohama city. It is very different where we live for us, like this regulation for same sex partnership.

    We really envy those who fortunately have been living in Shibuya. Making such rules from small region will make it possible for large area to be spread them. But until when we have to wait for them?


 I don’t agree to same-sex marriage. There are many reasons why I think so.


Firstly, they can’t have a baby. Recently, the number of children has been decreasing and it’s becoming a problem. This problem has been discussed in many situations and from many angles. For example, we will be lack of the workforce in the near future. And when we get older, it will have been more and more difficult for young generations to support older generations. There won’t be enough pensions which will be paid for the aged people. What is more, if same-sex marriage is accepted legally, this problem will be more serious.


Secondly, even if they can have a baby by using a foster care system or adoption, they have either motherhood or paternity. When you rear babies, both of them may be necessary. Motherhood will accept and admit the baby faithfully and give the baby absolute relief. On the other hand, paternity has a power of teaching the baby rules or manners. They teach good and wrong with making a clear distinction. Babies grow and shape their characters by balanced receiving both motherhood and paternity.


Thirdly, in Christianity, same-sex marriage can’t be allowed because it goes against spontaneous providence. Moreover, same-sex marriage can be seen as a sexual deviation and a religious sin. Marriage is regarded as a sacrament which is one of the graces of God. Then in Christianity or in church, same-sex marriage is regarded as taboo.


And it’s said that same-sex marriage means the essentials of life are changed by human. It is also said that marriage is for man and woman, not for man and man or woman and woman.


In conclusion, when I consider future generations, child care of same sexualities and religious views, I can’t agree to same-sex marriage.


30 Questions

How many same sexualities who coming out it in Japan?
A: About one out of twenty. (5.2%)

LGBTが働きやすい職場をつくる - アジア・太平洋人権情報センター

What is the Japanese government's opinion?
A: The Japanese government don't allow same-sex marriage, and it shows negative attitude roward same-sex marriage.

米メディア“同性婚認める憲法改正は?” 渋谷区の同性カップル条例受け、政府の動きに注目
What is the Shibuya's regulation like?
A: They allow that same-sex couples that live in Shibuya ward and are 20 and over have the same right as that for heterosexual marriage couples. The regulation don't have legal binding force, however, the inhabitants in Shibuya ward or worker in Shibuya must consider them. If the regulation are broken, correction advise would be made and the offenders' names published.

「同性パートナー条例」で渋谷区はどう変わるの? 多くの人が誤解している条例の中身
Which country did firstly admit same-sex marriage?
A: The Kingdom of the Netherlands.


When was it?
A: In 2001.

Which country did firstly admit partnership?
A: Denmark.

世界の同性婚 | EMA日本

When was it?

When Japanese people start call gay onee?

When gay people start showing up on TV or media in Japan?
A: In 1967. 

カルーセル麻紀さんスペシャルインタビュー 第1回

When did Shinjuku 2chome become the town for gay or lesbian?
A: In the mid of 1960's.

新宿二丁目 - Wikipedia
And why?
A: After the Prostitution Prohibitionary Law was completely enforced, the empty shops were used to run Gay-Bar.

新宿二丁目 - Wikipedia

In Japan, until when the same-sex marriage is common?
A: Edo era

ハガクレ★カフェ 性と愛の日本史

Why do most people think that children have to be raised by male and female couples?
A: They should be made up by both sexualities.


Which religion do not allow same-sex marriage?
A: Christianity, Islam, Judaism

現代の外国 同性愛ナビ 歴史や病気などの問題点

Which religion does allow same-sex marriage?
A: Buddism


And why do not allow it?
A: It goes against spontaneous providence.


What is the strongest opposite group?
A: Catholic


Which country did present that they admit same-sex marriage recently?

What is LGBT?
A: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender.

LGBT(えるじーびーてぃー)とは - コトバンク

How good if same-sex marriage is allowed?
A: They can get a treatment of social security as well as normal marriage-registered couples. Moreover, when him or her spouse dies, another can get a treatment of succession of property.

「同性パートナー条例」で渋谷区はどう変わるの? 多くの人が誤解している条例の中身

What is suggested to transcribe in a family register insted of father and mother?
 A: "Parents".


How effective motherhood is for babies?
A: Accept and admit babies faithfully.

佐々木正美 母性父性について考える

How effective paternity for babies?
A: Teach them social rules. 

佐々木正美 母性父性について考える

What is GPA in French?
A:  Gestations Pour Autrui. (=surrogacy)


What is PMA?
A: Procréation Médicalment Assistée. (=procreation medically assisted)

What is the difference between partnership and same-sex marriage?
A: In short, same-sex marriage can give the right to both have a parental authority. On the other hand, partnership can't.


What can decide our right to marry in terms of sexualities?
A: Their original sexualities.
    If the original sexualities of the couple are opposite each other, they can marry.


What makes LGBT persons annoy?
A: Using toilet and wearing clothes which doesn't match their inner sex.

LGBT(セクシュアルマイノリティ) | 弁護士法人アドバンス

Why the same-sex marriage is denied?
A: Because of declining birthrate.

「同性婚が少子化に拍車かける」 議員のTV発言、他国の例ではどうなのか

Which country was the first that admitted same-sex marriage in a plebiscite?
A: Ireland.

アイルランド、国民投票で同性婚合法化 カトリック国に「革命」